Mobile Satellite and Cellular Data Solutions
Stabilized and fixed Satellite Communication for terrestrial and maritime applications.
Performant and resilient 4G, 5G and Port Wireless solutions.
Hybrid & SD-WAN
Combine Technologies to achieve the most stable and performant solution.
The 4 steps to a better communication system
Great news ! You have come to the right place for cellular internet, satellite internet and satellite TV at sea, or anywhere else. If you are eager to know what you need and how much you need of it then let’s skip the buzzwords and get straight to the point.
Solutions for the Maritime Sector
What’s on TV tonight?
You don’t want to miss your favourite TV show and streaming is maybe not always a possibility. Don’t worry, there are plenty of ‘traditional’ satellite TV solutions also available at sea and on your ship.
You already know what you want
As a seasoned pro you want to get straight to the point and see what we have to offer. No problem, you can dive straight into our online store for all the equipment you need.
Industry News & Events

Satmarin is a global satellite VSAT and TVRO service provider specialized in delivering turn key state of the art solutions for the maritime commercial, offshore and leisure market.
We work in close relation with you to offer our expertise in the design and implementation of Maritime Satellite TV and regional or global connections.

Exoflux is the terrestrial equivalent of Satmarin, specialized in fixed satellite connectivity, satellite news gathering, 3G/LTE, WiMax and a wide range of other communication solutions.
Exoflux is specialized in Enterprise, Industry and Governmental solutions which require state-of-the-art robust (hybrid) communications .
As an expert in the field we have operational relationships with the major satellite owners, teleports, datacenters and service providers globally and will always offer you the best solution and rate available.
Whichever your requirements are our goal is to inform you as completely as possible about the different possibilities and which technology would fit your needs.
Being properly informed on the available technologies, real costs and actual performance is what matters most to us. Satmarin is here to help you design and implement the right solution for your application. Be it a USB dongle or your own satellite.