Category Satellite Internet

Do you have a Happy Crew?

Crew retention is a major issue facing the highly competitive shipping industry. Companies need to ensure key perks in an attempt to retain experienced and loyal staff. The impact of a happy crew on retention addresses the following issues: Half…

Flat Rate or Metered

Satellite Internet comes in two flavours: Metered and Flat Fee. The first one charges you for what you use (time or volume wise) and the second one charges one fixed amount for a certain period of time whether you use at 100% or…

Internet On Yachts

The infographic offers some key insight on the aspects you need to keep an eye on in order to have a properly configured and operational system without spending resources on wasted bandwidth and extremely high connection costs. If you need…

Maritime Internet VSAT Cost

Maritime internet comes in various shapes and sizes so it is important that before you start considering what to install you already have a rough idea of the VSAT Cost involved. The table below gives an indication of the different…

Iridium approved for GMDSS

Iridium Communications Inc. announced today that the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) agreed to recognize that the Iridium network meets all the criteria of the IMO needed to provide mobile satellite services in the GMDSS, and to adopt…

7 reasons to choose THOR 7

7 Reasons to Choose THOR 7 Unleash the Power of the Skies Ever felt like the digital world is expanding faster than we can keep up? That’s where THOR 7 comes in, a beacon in the boundless sea of connectivity,…