Category Business

Ku-band vs. Ka-band – Separating Fact from Fiction

The launch of next-generation high-throughput satellite (HTS) constellations by multiple commercial operators has ushered in a new age of performance in satellite communications. It has also reinvigorated an enduring debate within the industry regarding which frequency is superior: Ku-band vs.…

Iridium disrupts Inmarsat’s GMDSS Monopoly

WASHINGTON — The UN certified Iridium Communications to provide Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) services, ending Inmarsat’s monopoly on the internationally required service for ships, Iridium said May 21. The certification, granted by the UN’s International Maritime Organization, marks…

Maritime Internet VSAT Cost

Maritime internet comes in various shapes and sizes so it is important that before you start considering what to install you already have a rough idea of the VSAT Cost involved. The table below gives an indication of the different…