Maritime Internet VSAT Cost

Maritime internet comes in various shapes and sizes so it is important that before you start considering what to install you already have a rough idea of the VSAT Cost involved. The table below gives an indication of the different VSAT costs for several types of Antenna and Services. This list is not exhaustive and you should always talk to a satellite professional you can trust

Iridium Openport

Max speed: 128kbps
Initial Cost $4.500-6.000
Recurring Cost: Volume and Call Time can run up to USD 10 per MB

Truly Global solution for occasional email and phone calls. Pay by data volume and calltime, expensive if used frequently.


Max speed: 150/284/432 kbps (FB150/FB250/FB500)
Cost $4.000-16.000
Recurring Cost: Volume and Call Time; can run up to USD 10 per MB

Nearly Global* coverage for occasional internet, e-mails and calls. Pay by data volume and calltime, expensive if used frequently.

Astra Broadband

Max speed: 20 mbps
Cost $16.000-35.000
Recurring Cost: > $500 depending on speed

Regional European for regular internet, email and phonecalls. The service has a fair use policy so speeds will decrease as usage increases. Good for low usage at a fixed price.

VSAT 60cm

Max speed: 20 mbps Ku/Ka Band
Cost $25.000-40.000
Recurring VSAT Cost: > $500 depending on speed

Regional coverage for regular internet use, email and phone calls. Flat fee rates cost depends on subscription speed

VSAT 100cm

Max speed: 70 mbps Ku/Ka Band
Cost $40.000-65.000
Recurring VSAT Cost: > $500 depending on speed

Nearly Global* coverage for regular internet use, email and phone calls. Flat fee rates cost depends on subscription speed, but less expensive than for 60cm

VSAT C-Band 240cm

Max speed: 10 mbps C-Band
Hardware Cost $100.000 and more
Recurring VSAT Cost: > $500 depending on speed

Nearly Global* coverage for regular internet use, email and phone calls. Flat fee rates cost depends on subscription speed.

*Nearly Global because Geostationary satellites do not cover the North and South Poles.

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